To import pets into Kenya we require the following:
- A formal letter indicating the importers name and address.
- Current Health Certificate from a Veterinary doctor.
- A fee of chf 70 payable to the Kenya Mission Account.
No canine or feline animal shall be imported into Kenya from any country unless:
1. The animal is accompanied by the certificate of a veterinary surgeon, signed not more than five (5) days prior to the date of departure from the country of origin, certifying that the animal is free from clinical symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease.
b) The animal is accompanied by a valid Rabies vaccination certificate stating-
- the type, manufacturer and Batch No. of the vaccine;
- the apparent age of the animal at the time of vaccination;
- the date of vaccination.
2. Animals vaccinated against Rabies less than six (6) months prior to arrival in Kenya must also be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Government Veterinary Officer of the country of origin stating that there has been no case of Rabies within 30 miles of the place of origin of the animal within the preceding six months.
3. The animal must be accompanied by a certificate from the Captain of the ship or aircraft in which the animal travelled to Kenya certifying that the animal has not left the aircraft between the place of embarkation and the place of entry into Kenya, and has been isolated from all other canine and feline animals throughout the Journey. Any animal arriving in Kenya without the certificates stated above will be kept in quarantine, at the expense of the owner, for up to six (6) months with the exception that dogs and cats, imported directly from AustraIia, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden or the United Kingdom, need not have certificates as per para. 1 (b) above.
A certificate of Rabies vaccination is valid for all canines which are over the age of six months at vaccination and for all felines which are over the age of four months at vaccination, for the period specified, providing that one of the following approved vaccines has been used:
a) Phenolized (inactivated) vaccine:
– Canines And Felines: One Month To 12 Months, Post Vaccination. b) Living Avianized vaccine (Flury or Kelev strain)
– Canines: One month to 36 months, post vaccination.
– Felines: One month to 12 months, post vaccination.
Live Animals: Prior import permit required:
Health certificate required not older than ten (10) days before date of dispatch. Prior advice to veterinary department, Nairobi, for any inspection on arrival.
Import permits for dogs and cats obtained from Kenya Embassies and Missions:
Dogs: Additional Rabies Inoculation Certificate approved by the World Health organizations.
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:

- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
- Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
To import pets into Kenya we require the following:
- A formal letter indicating the importers name and address.
- Current Health Certificate from a Veterinary doctor.
- A fee of chf 70 payable to the Kenya Mission Account.
No canine or feline animal shall be imported into Kenya from any country unless:
1. The animal is accompanied by the certificate of a veterinary surgeon, signed not more than five (5) days prior to the date of departure from the country of origin, certifying that the animal is free from clinical symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease.
b) The animal is accompanied by a valid Rabies vaccination certificate stating-
- the type, manufacturer and Batch No. of the vaccine;
- the apparent age of the animal at the time of vaccination;
- the date of vaccination.
2. Animals vaccinated against Rabies less than six (6) months prior to arrival in Kenya must also be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Government Veterinary Officer of the country of origin stating that there has been no case of Rabies within 30 miles of the place of origin of the animal within the preceding six months.
3. The animal must be accompanied by a certificate from the Captain of the ship or aircraft in which the animal travelled to Kenya certifying that the animal has not left the aircraft between the place of embarkation and the place of entry into Kenya, and has been isolated from all other canine and feline animals throughout the Journey. Any animal arriving in Kenya without the certificates stated above will be kept in quarantine, at the expense of the owner, for up to six (6) months with the exception that dogs and cats, imported directly from AustraIia, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden or the United Kingdom, need not have certificates as per para. 1 (b) above.
A certificate of Rabies vaccination is valid for all canines which are over the age of six months at vaccination and for all felines which are over the age of four months at vaccination, for the period specified, providing that one of the following approved vaccines has been used:
a) Phenolized (inactivated) vaccine:
– Canines And Felines: One Month To 12 Months, Post Vaccination. b) Living Avianized vaccine (Flury or Kelev strain)
– Canines: One month to 36 months, post vaccination.
– Felines: One month to 12 months, post vaccination.
Live Animals: Prior import permit required:
Health certificate required not older than ten (10) days before date of dispatch. Prior advice to veterinary department, Nairobi, for any inspection on arrival.
Import permits for dogs and cats obtained from Kenya Embassies and Missions:
Dogs: Additional Rabies Inoculation Certificate approved by the World Health organizations.
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:
- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.