The Constitution entitles Citizens to the right to any Registration document issued by the State provided the following are met:
- Cover letter showing the names and contacts of the applicant and requesting for the birth certificate.
- Duly filled and signed birth registration form (BDA1) obtained at the Embassy or online at
- Copies of mother’s passport.
- Copies of father’s passport.
- Copies of parents’ Kenyan ID
- Certified copies of the birth certificate of the mother duly certified by the embassy.
- Certified copies of the birth certificate of the father duly certified by the embassy.
- Copy of child’s Swiss or the international birth certificate, with a certified English translation.
- Proof of advance payment of CHF 60 processing fee.
The processing time of birth certificates may take up to 3 months and more
Birth certificates are issued by:
Department of Civil Registration
P.O. Box 49179-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-2714987/8e,
E-mail: ✉,
Website: ➚
Requirements For Obtaining A (Duplicate) Birth Certificate
In order to apply for a (duplicate) birth certificate through the Kenyan Embassy in Bern the following are required:
Cover letter showing the names and contacts of the applicant requesting for the birth certificate.
Copy of original birth certificate.
- Copy of original Passport.
- Copy of original ID.
A Police Abstract showing the report of loss or a statement explaining the circumstances of loss of original or Search form (download from the website or obtain at the Embassy).
Proof of advance payment of CHF 60.- processing fees
Birth certificates are issued by the;
Department of Civil Registration P.O. Box 49179-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-2714987/8
E-mail: Website:
Requirements For Obtaining A Duplicate Marriage Certificate
In order to apply for a (duplicate) birth certificate through the Kenyan Embassy in Bern the following are required:
Cover letter showing the names and contacts of the applicant requesting for the marriage certificate
Copy of marriage certificate.
Copy of Passport/ID
- If the certificate is lost, please attach also the police report and an Affidavit for lost document.
Proof of advance payment of CHF 60.- processing fees
Country Of Marriage: Kenya
The Swiss national must have his/her birth certificate, proof of marital status and other relevant documents translated into English. Both the original documents and their translation have to be legalized by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subsequently passed to the Embassy to legalize them so that they become acceptable/admissible in Kenya.
Country of marriage: Switzerland
The Swiss national must confirm with his/her local authorities which documents are required by Swiss law, including the ones mentioned below.
Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage
May be issued upon request by the Swiss authorities to Kenyans who wish to marry in Switzerland in order to show that they are legally free to marry. Issuance may take several months. In order to apply for the certificate through the Embassy in Bern, the following are required:
Two certified copies of the valid Kenyan passport.
Two certified copies of the fiancé (e)’s ID card or Swiss passport.
Request from the Swiss authorities, or a cover application letter explaining the reasons for requiring the certificate.
Two sets of application forms, which can be downloaded from the website or be obtained at the Mission.
- Proof of advance payment of CHF 130.- processing fees
Applications received through the Embassy from both Kenyans and non-Kenyans alike should enclose the following requirements:
- The applicant’s complete set of rolled plain finger and palm prints taken by a Police Authority in the Country of residence/Switzerland at the time of application.
- The Police Authority must confirm the identity of the applicant and endorse official signature, stamp and seal
- A cover letter explaining why the document is required.
- Application form duly completed in duplicate and returned to the Embassy along with the original set of the finger and palm prints. Click ➚ here to access the form.
- Finger print and palm print form with full prints and palms taken and certified by the Swiss
- police (obtained from the nearest Police Station in Switzerland).
- A certified copy of current pages of the passport showing the Bio-data details and the page with the endorsement of the Kenya residence permit if the applicant is/was a resident.
- A certified copy of current residence permit or the permit used during the period of stay in Kenya. The copy should clearly show the Immigration file Number during the period of residence in Kenya.
- Copy of Kenyan residence permit (at the time of stay).
- For Kenyan Nationals certified photocopy of the current generation I.D Card.
- Proof of advance payment of CHF 30.- processing fees
- A self-addressed return envelope with stamps for tracking the postage of the certificate.
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:
- Registration application form duly filled in and signed available at; ☞
- Certificate of death of the Kenyan occurring abroad issued by the appropriate authority in the country where the death has occurred. A certified translation into the English language is necessary if the original is in a language other than English.
- Proof of Kenya citizenship vide a certified copy of ID card or passport. Fees of Chf 20 paid to the Embassy’s bank account
- For duplicate/replacement certificates, a copy of the previously issued birth or death certificate, copy of notification of birth or burial permit as the case may be, copy of search form and evidence of payment attached to the application form will be required.
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.
Requirements For Obtaining A (Duplicate) Birth Certificate
In order to apply for a (duplicate) birth certificate through the Kenyan Embassy in Bern the following are required:
Cover letter showing the names and contacts of the applicant requesting for the birth certificate.
Certified copy of original birth certificate.
A Police Abstract showing the report of loss or a statement explaining the circumstances of loss of original or Search form (download from the website or obtain at the Embassy).
CHF 60 processing fee.
Birth certificates are issued by the;
Department of Civil Registration P.O. Box 49179-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-2714987/8
E-mail: Website:
Requirements For Obtaining A (Duplicate) Birth Certificate
In order to apply for a (duplicate) marraige certificate through the Kenyan Embassy in Bern the following are required:
Cover letter showing the names and contacts of the applicant requesting for the marriage certificate
Copy of marriage certificate.
Copy of Passport/ID
Proof of advance payment of CHF 60.- processing fees
- Registration application form duly filled in and signed available at; (click here)
- Certificate of death of the Kenyan occurring abroad issued by the appropriate authority in the country where the death has occurred. A certified translation into the English language is necessary if the original is in a language other than English.
- Proof of Kenya citizenship vide a certified copy of ID card or passport. Fees of Chf 60 paid to the Embassy’s bank account
- For duplicate/replacement certificates, a copy of the previously issued birth or death certificate, copy of notification of birth or burial permit as the case may be, copy of search form and evidence of payment attached to the application form will be required.
The Swiss national must have his/her birth certificate, proof of marital status and other relevant documents translated into English. Both the original documents and their translation have to be legalized by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subsequently passed to the Embassy to legalize them so that they become acceptable/admissible in Kenya.
Country of marriage: Switzerland
The Swiss national must confirm with his/her local authorities which documents are required by Swiss law, including the ones mentioned below.
Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage
May be issued upon request by the Swiss authorities to Kenyans who wish to marry in Switzerland in order to show that they are legally free to marry. Issuance may take several months. In order to apply for the certificate through the Embassy in Bern, the following are required:
Two certified copies of the valid Kenyan passport.
Two certified copies of the fiancé (e)’s ID card or Swiss passport.
Request from the Swiss authorities, or a cover application letter explaining the reasons for requiring the certificate.
Two sets of application forms, which can be downloaded from the website or be obtained at the Mission.
Applications received through the Embassy from both Kenyans and non-Kenyans alike should enclose the following requirements:
- The applicant’s complete set of rolled plain finger and palm prints taken by a Police Authority in the Country of residence/Switzerland at the time of application.
- The Police Authority must confirm the identity of the applicant and endorse official signature, stamp and seal
- A cover letter explaining why the document is required.
- Application form duly completed in duplicate and returned to the Embassy along with the original set of the finger and palm prints. Click ➚ here to access the form
- Finger print and palm print form with full prints and palms taken and certified by the Swiss
- police (obtained from the nearest Police Station in Switzerland).
- A certified copy of current pages of the passport showing the Bio-data details and the page with the endorsement of the Kenya residence permit if the applicant is/was a resident.
- A certified copy of current residence permit or the permit used during the period of stay in Kenya. The copy should clearly show the Immigration file Number during the period of residence in Kenya.
- Copy of Kenyan residence permit (at the time of stay).
- For Kenyan Nationals certified photocopy of the current generation I.D Card.
- Proof of advance payment of CHF 30.- processing fees
- A self-addressed return envelope with stamps for tracking the postage of the certificate.
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.