Kenyans who are in the possession of a valid Kenyan driving licence may use it for a period of up to one year as long as the licence has been translated and authenticated by the Swiss authorities (Click here).
After living in Switzerland for one year one MUST obtain a Swiss driving licence to be able to drive. This involves taking both the theoretical and practical driving test in Switzerland.
1. You will need to create an account on NTSA’s TIMS portal. Or simply log in to your account if you already have one.
2. After creating your account/login in, navigate to the Driving License tab on the top navigation bar.
3. Tap on the blue SMART DL APPOINTMENT button
4. A new tab will be open and you will need to input your ID number, phone number and KRA PIN.
5. Your next task will be to select your appointment Center, then the date then the time you wish to reserve. Unavailable slots will be marked in red, the blank white spaces are available slots that you can pick.
6. After you make your reservation, print the appointment slip
7. On the day of your appointment, go to the NTSA office you selected
8. Once there, log in to your TIMS account for verification purposes with the help of an NTSA agent
9. After you verify your details, you will pay KES 3,050 through M-PESA for your three-year driving license
10. You will then take a passport photo alongside your biometric data, signature and blood group
11. After this, your smart driving license will be ready for collection within three days
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:

- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
- Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
➚ Pet Import License
Kenyans who are in the possession of a valid Kenyan driving licence may use it for a period of up to one year as long as the licence has been translated and authenticated by the Swiss authorities (Click here).
After living in Switzerland for one year one MUST obtain a Swiss driving licence to be able to drive. This involves taking both the theoretical and practical driving test in Switzerland.
1.You will need to create an account on NTSA’s TIMS portal. Or simply log in to your account if you already have one.
2. After creating your account/login in, navigate to the Driving License tab on the top navigation bar.
3. Tap on the blue SMART DL APPOINTMENT button
4. A new tab will be open and you will need to input your ID number, phone number and KRA PIN.
5. Your next task will be to select your appointment Center, then the date then the time you wish to reserve. Unavailable slots will be marked in red, the blank white spaces are available slots that you can pick.
6. After you make your reservation, print the appointment slip
7. On the day of your appointment, go to the NTSA office you selected
8. Once there, log in to your TIMS account for verification purposes with the help of an NTSA agent
9. After you verify your details, you will pay KES 3,050 through M-PESA for your three-year driving license
10. You will then take a passport photo alongside your biometric data, signature and blood group
11. After this, your smart driving license will be ready for collection within three days
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:
- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
➚ Pet Import License