The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011 which implements Chapter 3 of the Kenya Constitution 2010 (Citizenship), commenced on 30/08/2011. Under the Act;
A person born of a Kenyan parentage irrespective of the place of birth automatically becomes a citizen by birth (jus sanguinis).
The Constitution confers automatic recognition of persons who hold the citizenship of other countries as citizens of Kenya by birth provided that at the time of birth, one of the parents was a Kenyan. (so long as they are able to prove parentage through production of evidence in the form of either parent’s Kenya National Identification card or passport.
Kenyan citizens by birth who ceased to be citizens of Kenya by voluntarily acquiring the citizenship of other countries in accordance with the repealed Constitution are entitled to regain their Kenyan citizenship upon application in the prescribed manner (application form may be down loaded from this website).
A person who enjoyed dual citizenship but who by virtue of the repealed Constitution renounced or lost their Kenyan citizenship upon attainment of the age of twenty-three (23) years would automatically be deemed to be a citizen by birth.
Kenyan citizenship is conferred by the Constitution by; Birth or Registration
Citizenship by birth: Sec 14(1-5) of the Constitution
A person is a citizen by birth if at the date of his or her birth; one of the parents is or was a citizen of Kenya. This is regardless of where the person is or was born.
Regaining Kenya Citizenship
A citizen by birth who acquired citizenship of another country, and renounced the Kenyan citizenship may apply to the Cabinet Secretary to regain citizenship. The requirements for regaining include;
1. Application form duly completed. ☞ Click here to download the form.
2. Copies of Kenyan passport or identity card previously held
3. Passport or citizenship certificate of the other country
4. Naturalization certificate
5. Certified English translation of the Naturalization certificate
6. 2 passport size photographs
7. Fee of Ksh. 70.000.- (Ksh. 20’000.- Processing Fee + Ksh. 50’000.- Issuance Fee)
The following persons are entitled/eligible for registration as citizens of Kenya by registration;
Spouses, Widows and Widowers of Kenya Citizens Lawful Residents
A dual citizen is required to disclose her/his other citizenship within three months of becoming a dual citizen. The requirements include;
1. Declaration form duly completed and sent to the Embassy in Bern. ☞ Click here to download the Form
2 Passport size photographs.
Kenyan identity card and passport (original and copies).
3. Fee of Ksh. 30’000.- (Ksh. 20’000.- Processing Fee + Ksh. 10’000.- Issuance Fee)
Non-Kenyan passport and certificate of citizenship (original and copies) with a certified translation of the Certificate into the English language.
Failure to disclose dual citizenship is an offence punishable by law under Sec 8(4) of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011. Possession of dual citizenship should not be used in the commission of a criminal
Declarations for renunciation are made by citizens of Kenya who wish to voluntarily renounce their Kenyan citizenship. The requirements include;
1. Renunciation form duly completed. ☞ Click here to download the Form.
2. Original Kenya passport and identity card.
3. Copy of passport or citizenship certificate of the other country.
4. Fee of Ksh. 70’000.- (Ksh. 20’000 Processing Fee + Ksh. 50’000.- Issuance Fee)
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 MDisclaimer
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.
The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011 which implements Chapter 3 of the Kenya Constitution 2010 (Citizenship), commenced on 30/08/2011. Under the Act;
A person born of a Kenyan parentage irrespective of the place of birth automatically becomes a citizen by birth (jus sanguinis).
The Constitution confers automatic recognition of persons who hold the citizenship of other countries as citizens of Kenya by birth provided that at the time of birth, one of the parents was a Kenyan. (so long as they are able to prove parentage through production of evidence in the form of either parent’s Kenya National
Identification card or passport.
Kenyan citizens by birth who ceased to be citizens of Kenya by voluntarily acquiring the citizenship of other countries in accordance with the repealed Constitution are entitled to regain their Kenyan citizenship upon application in the prescribed manner (application form may be down loaded from this website).
4. A person who enjoyed dual citizenship but who by virtue of the repealed Constitution renounced or lost their Kenyan citizenship upon attainment of the age of twenty-three (23) years would automatically be deemed to be a citizen by birth.
Kenyan citizenship is conferred by the Constitution by; Birth or Registration
Citizenship by birth: Sec 14(1-5) of the Constitution
A person is a citizen by birth if at the date of his or her birth; one of the parents is or was a citizen of Kenya. This is regardless of where the person is or was born.
Regaining Kenya Citizenship
A citizen by birth who acquired citizenship of another country, and renounced the Kenyan citizenship may apply to the Cabinet Secretary to regain citizenship. The requirements for regaining include;
1. Application form duly completed. ☞ Click here to download the form.
2. Copies of Kenyan passport or identity card previously held 3. Passport or citizenship certificate of the other country
4. Naturalization certificate
5. Certified English translation of the Naturalization certificate 6. 2 passport size photographs
The following persons are entitled/eligible for registration as citizens of Kenya by registration;
Spouses, Widows and Widowers of Kenya Citizens Lawful Residents
A dual citizen is required to disclose her/his other citizenship within three months of becoming a dual citizen. The requirements include;
Declaration form duly completed and sent to the Embassy in Bern. ☞ Click here To download the form
2 passport size photographs.
Kenyan identity card and passport (original and copies).
Non-Kenyan passport and certificate of citizenship (original and copies) with a certified translation of the Certificate into the English language.
Failure to disclose dual citizenship is an offence punishable by law under Sec 8(4) of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011. Possession of dual citizenship should not be used in the commission of a criminal
Declarations for renunciation are made by citizens of Kenya who wish to voluntarily renounce their Kenyan citizenship. The requirements include;
1. Renunciation form duly completed. To download the Form, ☞ click here
2. Original Kenya passport and identity card.
3. Copy of passport or citizenship certificate of the other country.
Important Notice for Applications & Inquiries
Any Emails for Passport Inquiries and Requests for Appointments to be forwarded to:
Applicants for services should pay into the Embassy Account requisite fees (indicating their name and the type of document/service required).
The payment may also be made through e-banking or at the post office. Proof of payment and a cover letter/explanatory note with full contact details should be included in the application.
All payments for consular services should be made to the following Bank Account:
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya to the Swiss Confederation
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN CH87 0023 5235 2621 1801 M
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted;
- Registration fee is non- refundable.
- The Embassy does not accept cash payment for services offered.
- Do not put money in an envelope. The Embassy will not take responsibility for any money lost in Details for envelopes. All cash Payment payments enclosed in the application will be sent back to the applicant at their own expense.
- Attach copy of the payment slip to your documents when posting or presenting them at the Embassy (failure to do so could mean delay on the service requested).
Payments made on behalf of someone else should clearly indicate the name of the applicant and the service requested for on the copy of the slip.