About Kenya

Origin of Name
Kenya is named after a mountain of the same name. The Kikuyu people, who lived around present day Mt Kenya, referred to it as “Kirinyaga” or “Kerenyaga”, meaning mountain of whiteness because of its snow-capped peak. Mt Kirinyaga, which was the main landmark, became synonymous with the territory the British later claimed as their colony. However, the name ‘Kenya” arose out of the inability of the British to pronounce Kirinyaga correctly.
Early Visitors
The first people to settle in Kenya were indigenous African communities who migrated from various parts of the continent. Other visitors included traders, explorers and tourists who came in from various parts of the world such as Portugal, Arabia, Roman empire, India and Greece. They visited mainly the East African Coast from as early as the first century A.D. While the majority of the visitors went back to their countries, some settled, and intermarried with the local populations giving rise to a new Swahili culture along the Coast.The civilisation base of craft industries, farming, fishing and international trade gave rise to both Coastal city states such as Siu, Pate, Lamu, Malindi, Gede, Mombasa and Vanga . Islam and Kiswahili language were also introduced. The traders from overseas brought such items as clothes, beads, wines, iron weapons, porcelain and handicrafts. These were exchanged for ivory, timber, gold, copper, rhinoceros horns, animal skins and slaves.
The first major European presence in East Africa started with the arrival of the Portuguese in the East African waters in 1498 when Vasco Da Gamas fleet made its initial forays on its way to the East Indies. On the first voyage his only negotiations were with the ruler of Malindi and, indeed, for the next hundred years this alliance was the foundation of the Portuguese network in the region. Their quest to control and dominate the lucrative Indian Ocean trade, the conquest of several city-states along the coast, and the establishment of their dominance, lasted 200 years.
The Portuguese presence was however, hated and resisted and there were many insurrections against them. For example, on the 16th August 1631, the Arab Sultan of Mombasa called Dom Jeronimo Chingulia entered the Portuguese Citadel of Fort Jesus with a band of followers through the passage of the Arches. He killed the Portuguese Captain, Pedro Leitao de Gamboa, and then gave the signal to his followers outside the Fort to set fire to the Portuguese houses in the town. There was no marked resistance and in the course of the next two weeks all the Portuguese were killed. The Portuguese were finally kicked out of the Coastal towns through a combination of local nationalisms, aided by the Omani Arabs. To ensure the Portuguese did not return, Sultan Seyyid Said of Oman moved his capital to Zanzibar and ruled the entire East African Coastline until the establishment of British rule.
Colonial Rule
The scramble for colonies in Africa among European countries reached fever pitch in 1884, when the Berlin Conference was convened to partition Africa amongst European colonial rivals. Among British acquisitions was the land we today call Kenya. A British trading company, Imperial British East Africa Company, was set up and posted to administer Kenya under the name British East Africa Protectorate.
When it was realised that the company could not contain Kenya’s hostile communities the British declared the country a colony and Protectorate on 1st July 1895 and posted the first Governor, Sir Arthur Hardinge, to establish a formal British administration.The seventy years of colonial rule in Kenya were characterised by punitive economic, social and political policies. Most outstanding among these policies was racial discrimination. Huge fertile land was alienated for white settlement, and harsh labour laws were enacted to force the Africans to work at low wages on settler farms and public works. In addition, African political participation was confined to local government.It was against this scenario that African protest movements began in earnest from the early 1920s.
Several political associations, including the Young Kikuyu Association, East African Association, Young Kavirondo Association, North Kavirondo Central Association and Taita Hills Association, were formed to articulate African grievances against forced labour, low wages, heavy taxation, continuing land alienation, and racial discrimination.Between 1944 and 1960 African political activity and pressure were intensified. In 1944, the first countrywide nationalist party, Kenya African Union (KAU) was formed. And in the same year the first African, Eliud Mathu, was nominated to the settler dominated Legislative Council. Unhappiness with the slow political and economic change led to the breakdown of law and order in the early 1950s, and in 1952 Governor, Sir Everlyn Baring declared a state of emergency following the outbreak of the Mau Mau rebellion, whose major grievances included land alienations, racial discrimination and lack of political progress.
The state of emergency, however, intensified political resolve for independence, forcing the colonial government to come up with constitutional proposals. Under the Lyttleton constitution of 1954 Africans were allowed to directly elect their representatives to the Legislative Council. The elections were held in 1957, and eight African leaders – Ronald Ngala, Tom Mboya, Daniel arap Moi, Mate, Muimi, Oginga Odinga, Oguda and Muliro, were elected. They stepped up agitation for widened representation and independence. After considerable discussion, it was decided to form a mass organization to mobilize the people for the final assault on colonialism, hence the birth of Kenya African National Union, (KANU). KANU was formed in March 1960, at Kiambu town, and on 11 June 1960, it was registered as a mass political society. But as the objective of freedom became evident, many of the smaller communities feared domination by the larger ethnic groups, and on June 25, 1960 they formed the Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU). The first election on a broad electoral register was held in 1961, and was won by KANU. In another election in May 1963, KANU captured 83 of the 124 seats in the House of Representatives and formed the Madaraka Administration on 1st June 1963, and the independence Government on 12th December 1963, under Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.
Independent Kenya
The first Government of independent Kenya immediately had to deal with some pressing economic and political problems. The priorities were acceleration of growth, Kenyanisation of the economy and redistribution of incomes. None of this, however, could be achieved without political stability, and it was first felt necessary to neutralize those elements in the country who supported extreme policies and who were undermining, rather than building confidence in the new nation.
Thus, Kenya embarked on the road to peace and stability, which has made it possible for the country to realize great strides in development.The country has had three Presidents since independence. Upon Jomo Kenyattas death on 22nd August 1978, Daniel arap Moi took over the leadership. He retired on 30th December 2002 in line with a constitutional Provision which limits the Presidential term to a maximum 10 years of 5 years each. This provision took effect in 1991 following the re-introduction of multipartism. Previously Kenya was a single party state.
Mwai Kibaki took over from Moi on 30th December 2002 to become Kenya’s third President. Kibaki and his National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) won with a landslide in the December 27 2002 general elections, thus ending KANU’s forty year dominance.
In December 2007, President Kibaki under the Party of National Unity (PNU) ran for re-election against the main opposition party candidate, Raila Odinga, of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). After the outcome of those elections, a Grand Coalition Government was formed in which Raila
Odinga became the Prime Minister. On 4th August 2010, a constitutional referendum was held in which a new Constitution was adopted by the majority of Kenyan voters. The new Constitution was promulgated on 27th August, 2010.
President Uhuru Kenyatta was the fourth President of Kenya for two terms from 9th April 2013 until 12th September 2022 when the fifth and current President, His Excellency Dr. William Samoei Ruto, EGH was sworn into office for a five-year term beginning from 13th September 2022. His Excellency Hon. Rigathi Gachagua was also sworn in on that day as the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya. This follows their election in a free and fair contest in the General elections that was held on 9th August 2022.
Kenya lies astride the equator on the eastern coast of Africa. It is bordered by South Sudan on the north-west, Ethiopia on the north, Somalia on the east, Uganda on the west, Tanzania on the south and the Indian Ocean on the south-east. Much of the country, especially in the north and east, is arid or semi-arid. From the Indian Ocean the land rises gradually through dry bush to the fine arable land of the highlands.
Kenya covers an area of approximately 586,600 square Kilometers.
In the low-lying districts, particularly along the coast, the climate is tropical, hot and humid. On the Plateau and in the highlands the climate is more temperate. Western Kenya and most parts of Nyanza experience heavy conventional rain and have two rain seasons, the long rains from April to June and the short rains from October to November.
Kenya’s warm climate is favourable for tourism during the drier season that is between September and March.
Principal Commercial Cities and Towns
Nairobi is the capital city and a commercial center. It is situated 300 miles from the Coast and lies midway between the capitals of Uganda and Tanzania. It is the largest city in East Africa and houses two UN agencies, UNEP and Habitat.
Mombasa is Kenyas main port and a popular holiday city. It is situated on an island in a natural sheltered inlet. It is the only port that serves not only Kenya but land locked countries like Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi and Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Southern Sudan.
Kisumu is the Chief Port city on the shores of lake Victoria. It serves western Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Nakuru is an agricultural and industrial town in the Rift Valley basin.
Eldoret lies on the main road and rail route to Uganda. It is mainly an agricultural town that serves wheat and Maize farmers from the North Rift
According to the national population and housing census carried out in 2009, there are an estimated 38,610,097 Kenyans dispersed around the country. In the semi arid north and northeast regions, population density hardly reaches 2 per sq km, whereas in the rich and fertile western, population density rises to 120 persons per sq km. In the well endowed Rift Valley, population density varies from one area to another with an average of 13 inhabitants per sq km.
Nearly 25% of the total population is concentrated in the large cities of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu including large towns such as Nakuru. Women account for 50.48% of the total population.
Ethnic Composition
Cushites: This group includes the Somali, Orma, Rendille, and Borana. Bantu: This includes the Gikuyu, Luhya, Kamba, Embu, Meru, Kisii, Mijikenda,
Taveta, Taita, Pokomo, Bajuni, Boni and Sanye.
Nilotes: Includes the Luo, Kalenjin, Maasai, Teso and Samburu.
1. Protestants : 38%
2. Catholics : 28%
3. Indigenous religions : 26% 4. Muslims : 7%
5. Others 1%
- English (Official)
- Swahili (national)
- local languages.
Traditional African beliefs play a significant role in the lives of Kenyans in spite of adapting to modern values. Kenyans practice traditional values of humility, concern for neighbors and maintenance of kinship ties. Beliefs in superstition are not common except deep in the rural areas. On the other hand, there has been an explosive growth in the number of Christian churches and Islamic mosques.
There is wide appreciation of the importance of a modern education and most people speak English though with varying accents depending on ethnic origin. A typical visitor may be surprised at the contradiction in professing traditional and modern beliefs simultaneously. Several commentators have interpreted this characteristic of Kenyans as a lack of commitment to either beliefs. To the Kenyans, however, the two beliefs contain elements that compliment each other. Its not necessary for an individual to completely embrace modernity and abandon tradition, or vice-versa. What most people do (subconsciously) is to take the components from either set of beliefs that are relevant to their lives, and then combine them into a lifestyle.
Some communities have retained more of the traditional African lifestyle than others. They live in huts, walk barefoot, dress in robes and decorate their hair with colored soils. The Maasai tribe is famous for maintaining a nomadic way of life revolving around cattle and the search for pasture. This fiercely proud tribe of warriors has resisted numerous attempts at modernization and consequently has gained great respect (and curiosity) internationally.
A visit to the bustling cities, towns and villages of Kenya will be an eye opener to the determination of the people. Right from casual workers in sprawling industrial complexes to executives at the stock market and further onwards to the roadsides where men and women of all ages are earning a living for their families. Everyday has its fortunes: sometimes business is good, other times they walk home with nothing. Entrepreneurship is the locomotive engine behind these attributes of hard work and perseverance as Kenyans remain united in the quest for success and fulfillment.
Common Foods
Staple foods include; Ugali, rice, bread, chapati Nyama (Meats): Beef, chicken, Goat, Samaki (Fish): Tilapia, Omena(sardines) and Vegetables. When in Kenya, most people will invite you to enjoy Nyama Choma- open fire grilled red meat with ugali (Cornmeal) and Sukumawiki (Collard Greens)
Arts & Crafts
Kenya is a hub for beautiful culturally inspired arts and crafts. Some of the items are sold as memorabilia to our visitors and they include: sisal baskets, Maasai bead jewelry, musical instruments, soapstone sculptures, animal wooden carvings, tribal masks, paintings and prints on batik clothes, sculptures, kangas-women’s wraparound skirts with beautiful patterns with swahili proverbs printed on them, kikoi textile sarongs and more.
The Mass Media in Kenya is a vibrant industry. It includes daily newspapers, television and radio stations.
The communications industry in Kenya is regulated by an independent authority, the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK). Its role is to license and regulate telecommunications, radio communication and postal/courier services in Kenya. This responsibility translates to several functions including: licensing (telecoms and postal/courier) operators; regulating tariffs for monopoly areas; establishing interconnection principles, type-approving communications equipment, managing the radio frequency spectrum and formulating telecommunication numbering schemes and assigning them to network operators.
The two major newspapers by circulation are the Nation and the Standard Newspapers. Online editions of these newspapers are available.
Television stations include the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), Kenya Television Network (KTN), Nation Television (NTV), Citizen TV, K24, etc.
Radio stations include KBC, Easy FM, Capital FM, Kiss 100, Radio Citizen, etc. Radio stations in local languages are also available.
Origin of Name
Kenya is named after a mountain of the same name. The Kikuyu people, who lived around present day Mt Kenya, referred to it as “Kirinyaga” or “Kerenyaga”, meaning mountain of whiteness because of its snow-capped peak. Mt Kirinyaga, which was the main landmark, became synonymous with the territory the British later claimed as their colony. However, the name ‘Kenya” arose out of the inability of the British to pronounce Kirinyaga correctly.
Early Visitors
The first people to settle in Kenya were indigenous African communities who migrated from various parts of the continent. Other visitors included traders, explorers and tourists who came in from various parts of the world such as Portugal, Arabia, Roman empire, India and Greece. They visited mainly the East African Coast from as early as the first century A.D. While the majority of the visitors went back to their countries, some settled, and intermarried with the local populations giving rise to a new Swahili culture along the Coast.The civilisation base of craft industries, farming, fishing and international trade gave rise to both Coastal city states such as Siu, Pate, Lamu, Malindi, Gede, Mombasa and Vanga . Islam and Kiswahili language were also introduced. The traders from overseas brought such items as clothes, beads, wines, iron weapons, porcelain and handicrafts. These were exchanged for ivory, timber, gold, copper, rhinoceros horns, animal skins and slaves.
The first major European presence in East Africa started with the arrival of the Portuguese in the East African waters in 1498 when Vasco Da Gamas fleet made its initial forays on its way to the East Indies. On the first voyage his only negotiations were with the ruler of Malindi and, indeed, for the next hundred years this alliance was the foundation of the Portuguese network in the region. Their quest to control and dominate the lucrative Indian Ocean trade, the conquest of several city-states along the coast, and the establishment of their dominance, lasted 200 years.
The Portuguese presence was however, hated and resisted and there were many insurrections against them. For example, on the 16th August 1631, the Arab Sultan of Mombasa called Dom Jeronimo Chingulia entered the Portuguese Citadel of Fort Jesus with a band of followers through the passage of the Arches. He killed the Portuguese Captain, Pedro Leitao de Gamboa, and then gave the signal to his followers outside the Fort to set fire to the Portuguese houses in the town. There was no marked resistance and in the course of the next two weeks all the Portuguese were killed. The Portuguese were finally kicked out of the Coastal towns through a combination of local nationalisms, aided by the Omani Arabs. To ensure the Portuguese did not return, Sultan Seyyid Said of Oman moved his capital to Zanzibar and ruled the entire East African Coastline until the establishment of British rule.
Colonial Rule
The scramble for colonies in Africa among European countries reached fever pitch in 1884, when the Berlin Conference was convened to partition Africa amongst European colonial rivals. Among British acquisitions was the land we today call Kenya. A British trading company, Imperial British East Africa Company, was set up and posted to administer Kenya under the name British East Africa Protectorate.
When it was realised that the company could not contain Kenya’s hostile communities the British declared the country a colony and Protectorate on 1st July 1895 and posted the first Governor, Sir Arthur Hardinge, to establish a formal British administration.The seventy years of colonial rule in Kenya were characterised by punitive economic, social and political policies. Most outstanding among these policies was racial discrimination. Huge fertile land was alienated for white settlement, and harsh labour laws were enacted to force the Africans to work at low wages on settler farms and public works. In addition, African political participation was confined to local government.It was against this scenario that African protest movements began in earnest from the early 1920s.
Several political associations, including the Young Kikuyu Association, East African Association, Young Kavirondo Association, North Kavirondo Central Association and Taita Hills Association, were formed to articulate African grievances against forced labour, low wages, heavy taxation, continuing land alienation, and racial discrimination.Between 1944 and 1960 African political activity and pressure were intensified. In 1944, the first countrywide nationalist party, Kenya African Union (KAU) was formed. And in the same year the first African, Eliud Mathu, was nominated to the settler dominated Legislative Council. Unhappiness with the slow political and economic change led to the breakdown of law and order in the early 1950s, and in 1952 Governor, Sir Everlyn Baring declared a state of emergency following the outbreak of the Mau Mau rebellion, whose major grievances included land alienations, racial discrimination and lack of political progress.
The state of emergency, however, intensified political resolve for independence, forcing the colonial government to come up with constitutional proposals. Under the Lyttleton constitution of 1954 Africans were allowed to directly elect their representatives to the Legislative Council. The elections were held in 1957, and eight African leaders – Ronald Ngala, Tom Mboya, Daniel arap Moi, Mate, Muimi, Oginga Odinga, Oguda and Muliro, were elected. They stepped up agitation for widened representation and independence. After considerable discussion, it was decided to form a mass organization to mobilize the people for the final assault on colonialism, hence the birth of Kenya African National Union, (KANU). KANU was formed in March 1960, at Kiambu town, and on 11 June 1960, it was registered as a mass political society. But as the objective of freedom became evident, many of the smaller communities feared domination by the larger ethnic groups, and on June 25, 1960 they formed the Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU). The first election on a broad electoral register was held in 1961, and was won by KANU. In another election in May 1963, KANU captured 83 of the 124 seats in the House of Representatives and formed the Madaraka Administration on 1st June 1963, and the independence Government on 12th December 1963, under Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.
Independent Kenya
The first Government of independent Kenya immediately had to deal with some pressing economic and political problems. The priorities were acceleration of growth, Kenyanisation of the economy and redistribution of incomes. None of this, however, could be achieved without political stability, and it was first felt necessary to neutralize those elements in the country who supported extreme policies and who were undermining, rather than building confidence in the new nation.
Thus, Kenya embarked on the road to peace and stability, which has made it possible for the country to realize great strides in development.The country has had three Presidents since independence. Upon Jomo Kenyattas death on 22nd August 1978, Daniel arap Moi took over the leadership. He retired on 30th December 2002 in line with a constitutional Provision which limits the Presidential term to a maximum 10 years of 5 years each. This provision took effect in 1991 following the re-introduction of multipartism. Previously Kenya was a single party state.
Mwai Kibaki took over from Moi on 30th December 2002 to become Kenya’s third President. Kibaki and his National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) won with a landslide in the December 27 2002 general elections, thus ending KANU’s forty year dominance.
In December 2007, President Kibaki under the Party of National Unity (PNU) ran for re-election against the main opposition party candidate, Raila Odinga, of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). After the outcome of those elections, a Grand Coalition Government was formed in which Raila
Odinga became the Prime Minister. On 4th August 2010, a constitutional referendum was held in which a new Constitution was adopted by the majority of Kenyan voters. The new Constitution was promulgated on 27th August, 2010.
President Uhuru Kenyatta was the fourth President of Kenya for two terms from 9th April 2013 until 12th September 2022 when the fifth and current President, His Excellency Dr. William Samoei Ruto, EGH was sworn into office for a five-year term beginning from 13th September 2022. His Excellency Hon. Rigathi Gachagua was also sworn in on that day as the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya. This follows their election in a free and fair contest in the General elections that was held on 9th August 2022.
Kenya lies astride the equator on the eastern coast of Africa. It is bordered by South Sudan on the north-west, Ethiopia on the north, Somalia on the east, Uganda on the west, Tanzania on the south and the Indian Ocean on the south-east. Much of the country, especially in the north and east, is arid or semi-arid. From the Indian Ocean the land rises gradually through dry bush to the fine arable land of the highlands.
Kenya covers an area of approximately 586,600 square Kilometers.
In the low-lying districts, particularly along the coast, the climate is tropical, hot and humid. On the Plateau and in the highlands the climate is more temperate. Western Kenya and most parts of Nyanza experience heavy conventional rain and have two rain seasons, the long rains from April to June and the short rains from October to November.
Kenya’s warm climate is favourable for tourism during the drier season that is between September and March.
Principal Commercial Cities and Towns
Nairobi is the capital city and a commercial center. It is situated 300 miles from the Coast and lies midway between the capitals of Uganda and Tanzania. It is the largest city in East Africa and houses two UN agencies, UNEP and Habitat.
Mombasa is Kenyas main port and a popular holiday city. It is situated on an island in a natural sheltered inlet. It is the only port that serves not only Kenya but land locked countries like Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi and Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Southern Sudan.
Kisumu is the Chief Port city on the shores of lake Victoria. It serves western Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Nakuru is an agricultural and industrial town in the Rift Valley basin.
Eldoret lies on the main road and rail route to Uganda. It is mainly an agricultural town that serves wheat and Maize farmers from the North Rift
According to the national population and housing census carried out in 2009, there are an estimated 38,610,097 Kenyans dispersed around the country. In the semi arid north and northeast regions, population density hardly reaches 2 per sq km, whereas in the rich and fertile western, population density rises to 120 persons per sq km. In the well endowed Rift Valley, population density varies from one area to another with an average of 13 inhabitants per sq km.
Nearly 25% of the total population is concentrated in the large cities of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu including large towns such as Nakuru. Women account for 50.48% of the total population.
Ethnic Composition
Cushites: This group includes the Somali, Orma, Rendille, and Borana. Bantu: This includes the Gikuyu, Luhya, Kamba, Embu, Meru, Kisii, Mijikenda,
Taveta, Taita, Pokomo, Bajuni, Boni and Sanye.
Nilotes: Includes the Luo, Kalenjin, Maasai, Teso and Samburu.
1. Protestants : 38%
2. Catholics : 28%
3. Indigenous religions : 26% 4. Muslims : 7%
5. Others 1%
- English (Official)
- Swahili (national)
- local languages.
Traditional African beliefs play a significant role in the lives of Kenyans in spite of adapting to modern values. Kenyans practice traditional values of humility, concern for neighbors and maintenance of kinship ties. Beliefs in superstition are not common except deep in the rural areas. On the other hand, there has been an explosive growth in the number of Christian churches and Islamic mosques.
There is wide appreciation of the importance of a modern education and most people speak English though with varying accents depending on ethnic origin. A typical visitor may be surprised at the contradiction in professing traditional and modern beliefs simultaneously. Several commentators have interpreted this characteristic of Kenyans as a lack of commitment to either beliefs. To the Kenyans, however, the two beliefs contain elements that compliment each other. Its not necessary for an individual to completely embrace modernity and abandon tradition, or vice-versa. What most people do (subconsciously) is to take the components from either set of beliefs that are relevant to their lives, and then combine them into a lifestyle.
Some communities have retained more of the traditional African lifestyle than others. They live in huts, walk barefoot, dress in robes and decorate their hair with colored soils. The Maasai tribe is famous for maintaining a nomadic way of life revolving around cattle and the search for pasture. This fiercely proud tribe of warriors has resisted numerous attempts at modernization and consequently has gained great respect (and curiosity) internationally.
A visit to the bustling cities, towns and villages of Kenya will be an eye opener to the determination of the people. Right from casual workers in sprawling industrial complexes to executives at the stock market and further onwards to the roadsides where men and women of all ages are earning a living for their families. Everyday has its fortunes: sometimes business is good, other times they walk home with nothing. Entrepreneurship is the locomotive engine behind these attributes of hard work and perseverance as Kenyans remain united in the quest for success and fulfillment.
Common Foods
Staple foods include; Ugali, rice, bread, chapati Nyama (Meats): Beef, chicken, Goat, Samaki (Fish): Tilapia, Omena(sardines) and Vegetables. When in Kenya, most people will invite you to enjoy Nyama Choma- open fire grilled red meat with ugali (Cornmeal) and Sukumawiki (Collard Greens)
Arts & Crafts
Kenya is a hub for beautiful culturally inspired arts and crafts. Some of the items are sold as memorabilia to our visitors and they include: sisal baskets, Maasai bead jewelry, musical instruments, soapstone sculptures, animal wooden carvings, tribal masks, paintings and prints on batik clothes, sculptures, kangas-women’s wraparound skirts with beautiful patterns with swahili proverbs printed on them, kikoi textile sarongs and more.
The Mass Media in Kenya is a vibrant industry. It includes daily newspapers, television and radio stations.
The communications industry in Kenya is regulated by an independent authority, the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK). Its role is to license and regulate telecommunications, radio communication and postal/courier services in Kenya. This responsibility translates to several functions including: licensing (telecoms and postal/courier) operators; regulating tariffs for monopoly areas; establishing interconnection principles, type-approving communications equipment, managing the radio frequency spectrum and formulating telecommunication numbering schemes and assigning them to network operators.
The two major newspapers by circulation are the Nation and the Standard Newspapers. Online editions of these newspapers are available.
Television stations include the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), Kenya Television Network (KTN), Nation Television (NTV), Citizen TV, K24, etc.
Radio stations include KBC, Easy FM, Capital FM, Kiss 100, Radio Citizen, etc. Radio stations in local languages are also available.